Afghanistan capital

After Oslo talks, what’s next for Afghanistan?

After Oslo talks, what’s next for Afghanistan?

KABUL, Afghanistan / Islamabad, Pakistan – A week after the Taliban and Senior US and European officials held talks in the capital city of Norway, Oslo, the main results seem to be a promise to increase humanitarian aid, with demand related to human rights, with some analysts say talks implies “de facto towards the Taliban […]

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Ex-Afghan security officer calls on Taliban to honour amnesty

Ex-Afghan security officer calls on Taliban to honour amnesty

Javad Jafari begged the Taliban to honor Amnesty after he was released by the Taliban. He was detained by the Taliban for 5 days without committing a crime, reporting Tolo news. I was detained by the Emirates of Islam for five days. The misunderstanding they have resolved,” Jafari said. Jafari, 35, is the only breadwinner […]

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