China Defends Joining India On Coal “Phase Down” Instead Of “Phase Out”

China Defends Joining India On Coal "Phase Down" Instead Of "Phase Out"
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China on Monday asked developed countries to stop using the coal first and give fiscal aid to developing countries to borrow green technologies as it defended its move to join hands with India in calling for” phase down” rather of” phase out”of coal in the final textbook of the COP26 conference protestation.

Mediators from nearly 200 countries accepted a new climate agreement after the COP26 peak in Glasgow concluded on Saturday with a deal, which recognises India’s intervention for the world to”phase down” rather than” phase out”fossil energies.

“Green and low- carbon transition is the inviting trend that all countries should work together for. China attaches high significance to energy transition,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a media briefing then.

He was responding to a question on COP26 Chairman Alok Sharma’s reported commentary that China and India need to explain to developing nations why they doused down the language on sweats to phase out coal at the conference and rejected calls for”phasing out”coal horsepower rather decided to”phasing down”.

Zhao said,”To optimize energy structure and reduce the proportion of coal consumption is an incremental process. The varying public conditions, development stage and coffers talent of different countries should be admired”.

“In numerous developing countries, not everyone has access to electricity and energy force isn’t acceptable. Before asking all countries to stop using coal, consideration should be given to the energy space in these countries to insure their energy security,”Zhao said.

“We encourage advanced countries to take the lead in stopping using coal while furnishing ample backing, technological and capacity- structure support for developing countries’ energy transition. We need concrete conduct more than taglines,”he said.

Chinese sanctioned media has criticised the Western media for targeting China and India for pressing “ phase down” use of coal power rather of” phase out” in the final textbook espoused by 197 countries at the COP26 conference which concluded last week.

Climate scientists hailed the” unknown determination of diving global warming” demonstrated by peak actors, especially developing countries including China and India, as not only emphasizing the urgency of the climate issue but also a encouragement for developed countries to match their pledges with conduct, state- run Global Times reported on Monday.

All actors of COP26, especially developing countries, have demonstrated unknown ambition and determination to attack climate change, Pan Jiahua, director of the Institute for Urban and Environmental Studies, told the Global Times.

He praised India for its pledge to target net zero hothouse gas emigrations by 2070.

“It’s nearly a charge insolvable for India, which relies on coal for 75 per cent of its electricity,” said Pan, praising India for showing” precious determination.”

In his reply, Zhao said China has made tremendous sweats in controlling coal consumption and coal- fired systems and played an important part in erecting transnational agreement on applicable issues.

He said that since the morning of this time President Xi Jinping has blazoned a host of policy measures China has espoused, including to rigorously control coal- fired power generation systems, to rigorously limit the increase in coal consumption over the 14th Five- Time Plan period and phase it down in the 15th Five- Time Plan period, to roundly support developing countries’ green and low- carbon energy development, and to stop erecting new coal- fired power systems abroad”.

“The transnational community has spoken largely of this. The lately- released China-US Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s reiterated applicable content,” he said.

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