

What is happening in Sri Lanka? Why does it not have money?

Some thousands of years ago, most of the independent villages were economically. They produce everything that occupants need. But modern nations are rarely independent even though the world itself is now a village. They export their surplus. They produce and save foreign exchange reserves. And, they import to cover their shortcomings. The problem of Sri […]

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Pakistan assembly adjourned, vote of trust against PM Imran Khan now on March 28

Pakistan assembly adjourned, vote of trust against PM Imran Khan now on March 28

The Pakistani National Assembly postponed Friday without displaying a session not confident with Prime Minister Imran Khan. This session has been postponed until Monday, reported the dawn of a Pakistani-based media house. The Asad Qaiser national assembly speaker said that the session was postponed until 4pm on March 28 because of the death of Pakistan […]

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After China's Base Plan In Solomon Islands Leak, Australia Raises Concern

After China’s Base Plan In Solomon Islands Leak, Australia Raises Concern

The Australian Defense Minister said on Friday every step to build a Chinese military base in the neighboring Solomon Islands will concern, after the draft security documents between Beijing and Honiara leaked online. Reuters was confirmed by the Solomon Islands government official on Thursday that the security agreement with China needed to go to the […]

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