
Pak sent ISI official to Turkey to meet Afghan leaders, offer talks with Taliban

Pak sent ISI official to Turkey to meet Afghan leaders, offer talks with Taliban

An intelligence official between senior services has recently traveled to Turkey to convey to Afghan political leaders offer from Pakistan to accommodate them for talks with Taliban, people who are familiar with the problem. Filly officials, who were in Turkey during December, came into direct contact with several Afghan leaders, including former ministers, or with […]

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Pak sent ISI official to Turkey to meet Afghan leaders, offer talks with Taliban

UN: Taliban attempting to exclude women, girls from public life

The Taliban leaders in Afghanistan institutionalized large-scale and systematic gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls, a group of 36 UN human rights experts have said. “We are worried about sustainable and systematic efforts to exclude women from the social, economic and political fields throughout the country,” experts said in a statement Monday. This […]

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Taliban must seek legitimacy within Afghanistan before international recognition

Taliban must seek legitimacy within Afghanistan before international recognition

The Delhi Conference did not conflict with the Taliban for recognizing the power of Sunni Pashtun as a competitor of power in Kabul but must have trust in the people of Afghanistan including Shia Hazaras, Uzbeks, Tajik, and the most important for the women in the country. At the Afghan Delhi conference, the National Security […]

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