How To Fix : The Color scheme has been changed to windows 7 basic

How To Fix : The Color scheme has been changed to windows 7 basic
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Multiple fiends of Windows 7 can see the error dispatch as‘The Color Scheme has changed from Windows 7 fundamental’. Sometimes Windows 7 fiends will be asked to give a dispatch like‘ Do you want to change the color scheme to help performance’. The automatic color is changed to Windows 7 multiple times.

Error Massage:

Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance?

Windows has detected your computer’s performance is slow. This could be because there aren’t enough finances to run the Windows Aero color scheme. To help performance, try changing the color scheme to Windows 7 Basic. Any change you make will be in effect until the following time you log on to Windows.

  • Change the color scheme to Windows 7 Basic
  • Keep the current color scheme, but ask me again if my computer continues to perform slowly
  • Keep the current color scheme, and don’t show this message again.

Follow Steps To Fix ‘The Color scheme has been changed to windows 7 basic’:

Now let us fix the error dispatch as‘The Color Scheme has changed from Windows 7 meat-and-potatoes’. First of all, let us change the Performance Options of the system, right-click on My Computer and go to Properties. Now go to Advanced System Settings and go to Performance Settings in the Advanced tab and opt Put for informal performance in Visual Personalty and click on Apply.

My Computer Properties>Advanced System Settings >Advanced> Performance > Settings>Visual Effects> Adjust for best performance.

You can disable the Windows Troubleshoot option from the Action Center to simply dismiss the error. To disable the Windows Troubleshoot option, go to the Action Center in the Control Panel and uncheck‘Windows Troubleshooting in the Change Action Center settings.

Note:- By doing so you can also lose all Windows Troubleshooting messages.

Control Panel>Action Center>Change Action Center settings> Windows Troubleshooting.

Notwithstanding, change the concord of that play, If an play causes an error. To change the play’s concord, right-click on the icon of that play and uncheck the Disable desktop composition option in the Concord tab.

Application icon > Properties > Compatibility tab > Disable desktop composition.

Now the last result is‘ system restore’, if your system was running well some days ago and now giving an error, either you can definitely restore the system. To restore the system, go back to the control panel and system restore in Recovery and finish by handpicking one last Date. Now the system will renew a bit and will work well.
Control Panel>Recovery>System Restore.

That’s all, In this theme, we've explained How To Fix The Color scheme has been changed to windows 7 rudimental. I hope you enjoy thisarticle.However, either just participate it, If you like thisarticle.However, please remark, If you have any questions about this theme.
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