PwC employee lost half his skull after injury during work party.

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A British employee Pricewaterhousecopers (PWC), who suffered a serious head injury during the office sightsee because half of his skull must be released, demanding an audit company, The Guardian reported.

In his claim to his employer, Michael Brockie, 28, described how he and his colleagues were persuaded to take part in the “Golf Pub” sightseeing after work. During the sightsee they went to nine bars and were encouraged to drink excessively.

In one sightsee like that in 2019, Brockie was found on the road with head injuries. He was so drunk that he didn’t even remember the sightseeing.The doctor and police believe that the man fell and crashed into his head on the floor.

Now, Brockie demands PWC at a price of more than £ 200,000 and asks for more payments in the future, on the grounds that he is at risk of developing epilepsy due to injury.

PWC reportedly stopped sightseeing after Brockie’s injury. It tells people in a statement that they are committed to providing “safe, healthy and inclusive culture” for everyone.

At the same time, PWC said that they expect employees who attend social meetings “responsible and to ensure their own safety and others.”

It refused to divulge the details of this case. “We cannot comment on specific problems subject to the ongoing legal process,” PWC told Insider.

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