India completed 75 years of independence on August 15. Because every country including India has developed in the last 75 years, it has become a necessity to compare India’s relative progress with other countries. Seeing India’s performance in several indicators, before and now, with a certain set of countries*
In the following graph (dark circles) show India, (yellow circle) shows bric, (light purple circle) shows the economy that appears, (lavender circle) shows the Indian continent and (light blue circle) shows the G7 G7 countries
The Indian population increased from 4,505 LAKH in 1960 to 13,934 LAKH in 2021. While the population remains the second highest during this period, now pursuing China,
the most populated country. Of the 32 countries compared, the UAE has a significant increase in population (from 92,000 in 1960 to 99.9 lakh) mostly due to migration. The graph shows the population in LAKH