7 Steps to be a Famous Food Blogger

7 Steps to be a Famous Food Blogger
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If you have come to this website and clicked on this article, then chances are high you are a foodie. You like to explore your palate, love the new sensation on your taste buds, entice your nose with the aroma, and get mesmerized by the plate of food in front of you. Maybe you do not have to dine at a five-star restaurant to fall in love with the food. Just while walking in an alley, your eyes always find a small café or a street food vendor. If all these are true for you, it’s time you join the ranks of the famous food bloggers and earn money while you indulge in food. It’s one of the best ways to turn your passion for food into a profession. 

We will look into some finer aspects of food blogging, like becoming one and earning money from it as one of the reputed food bloggers

How To Become a Food Blogger?

Starting a food blog is quite easy. Even if you are not a tech-savvy person and have very limited knowledge about the internet and how it works, developing a food blog won’t be a challenge when you follow these seven simple steps. 

#1 Plan 

This is the most crucial and easy step of all. Take a pen and paper and start jotting down ideas for your blog. It can be recipes, food reviews, kitchen hacks, general cooking tips, food experiences from your street to across the globe. Just remember to keep the ideas fresh, so you can keep your blog going regularly. 

You also have to decide how much time and cost you are willing to put into the blog. It will include the time you would need for marketing the content. The money you would need to spend will be the cost of getting the domain and hosting it. It is not that technical at this stage since all you have to do is make the plan. 

#2 Naming Your Blog 

Selecting the domain name is more challenging than it sounds. It should reflect your ideology and something that is unique. The best way to go about it is to put the name ideas on Goggle and see if anyone takes it. Then, it’s time to be innovative and being crazy with the names!

#3 The Hosting Platform 

Many blogging hosting platforms are simple to use, like WordPress, Blogger, and Squarespace. But be mindful of selecting a platform where the setup can be done automatically and offer security like SSL or HTTPS.

#4 Setting It Up

Once you are done with the first three steps, choosing the username, password and log in to the account is time. You will be presented with the domain interface and update features. Don’t go crazy with the add-on and plugin features because there are many to the hosting platform. Try to be minimalist and see how it works and go from there. 

But do remember to add features like Editor, security, cookie consent, SEO, and Google analytics. All these will allow you to track your blog better and see how it is performing. 

# 5 Customizing It 

Whether you are using WordPress, Blogger, or any other domain, there are multiple themes, colours, and layouts that you can use for the page. Use the ones that showcase your ideas. Don’t be afraid to go bold and wild at times because you can tweak it later as your subscribers grow. 

# 6 Creating Content 

Even before you create the first food blogging content, you must ensure the standard page contents are there. Some of them are:

  • About Us
  • Contact Us
  • Privacy Page 

Once you have set these up, start with your food blogging content. 

#7 Bringing In Viewers and Subscribers 

There is no point in creating a food blog; for that matter, any blog if there is no audience. The best way you can increase the viewership is by 

  • Spreading the word by allowing viewers to leave comments 
  • Use SEO tips to optimize the blog so people can discover it on search engines 
  • Invest time in answer food-related FAQs 

Once you have done all these, you are good to go. But, for understanding how to be a good food blogger, why not follow some of the amazing ones online to get inspiration. 

How To Earn Money From Your Food Blog?

If you want to turn your passion and hobby for food blogging into a profession and earn money from it, there are several ways you can do that. Here are some money-making ideas:

  • Affiliate Marketing – There are many cooking channels, products, cookbooks that want to promote themselves. Recommend them, and each time any visitor on your website purchases any of the recommended products, you will get a commission. 
  • Write a cookbook – It can be a physical book or an eBook which can be sold on Amazon and your website. Give them some deals with your cookbook and start earning. 
  • Get sponsors onboard – Let advertisers use your blog for advertising your product in exchange for money. 

These are some of the ways you can earn money from your food blog. 

In a nutshell!

We hope these steps and ways to make money as a food blogger will give you enough impetus to start one. We are not saying that creating new content regularly for your food blog will be easy, but trust the famous food bloggers and us that it will be creatively fulfilling and financially worth the effort. 

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